Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Three Modules of Ecommerce Store Where You Need to Give Extra Care

Success of ecommerce store doesn’t depend solely on its design or the way you integrate different function for users or your online marketing scenario. Different factors work together to bring final product purchase which we call conversion, from marketing of the products to product presentation and purchase process on website. Your ecommerce website must get success in convincing your visitors to take action to fulfill different objective of your store by users brought by different online marketing campaign. If you are planning to develop ecommerce website for your business, there are three main modules which you need to focus developing store which are explained in detail by ecommerce web design Chicago experts. 

Product and Brand Presentation 

This module is pretty much related to design portion of your website where you try to make impression of your brand as best product supplier in the industry and represent your products. In this module you need to deal with designing perfect products category which your users can understand, creating structure of navigation for category and product pages, how much no. of product images to display and how to display, designing product pages, category pages and all other tasks which decides the visual look of your website.  Once this module get completed by designer, you should test among people who are visiting your website first time and need to observe their behavior in terms of how easily they can understand the process and how easily they surf your website? If you have good budget, you can also take help from usability expert to make it simpler. 
Website Management Panel

After completing the development of your ecommerce website, this is the module with which your maximum interpretation is required. In this module, you would deal with website management tasks which you have to conduct on regular base. Most of ecommerce web development company use third party ecommerce content management system which has ideal admin panel from where you can manage tasks like products inventory, order processing, shipping and other back hand tasks to deliver final purchased products by your visitors. So your responsibility involves analyzing admin panel and check whether it is sufficient enough to manage different tasks which you would execute on regular base.  You should understand the system in detail as you are the person who would manage your website not your developer.

User Cart

Once your visitors got impressed by your design and product pricing you offers on your store, next task he would do is to register in website and add that product to his cart for purchase or for future reference. Thus, users have to go through some steps like viewing product page, registration to website, adding product to cart and finally paying for products. Each mentioned steps might have different interface to perform. So you need to analyze the complete process which users may conduct on your website before final purchase and see how difficult or simple your website provide different users functions. More flexibility means more user satisfaction and more conversion, so spend extra time analyzing user functions developed in user cart management. Even once your website get launched, evaluate the behavior of those users who start the process but don’t complete and leave the website and try to find possible reasons for that and implement accordingly. You may require to take help from web analyzer to evaluate the problems in detail.

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